• Question: how do blind people see in their dreams

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      Asked by Emma, Caitlin and Barbara to Aoife, Brian, Conor, Louise, Matthew on 16 Nov 2016.
      • Photo: Matthew Kitching

        Matthew Kitching answered on 16 Nov 2016:

        Hi there!

        I don’t know! but my friends sister is blind and she only heres things in her dreams (she’s always been blind)

        Ive been told that if you loose your sight later in life you still dream in images.

        hope this answers your question – let me know if you want to know more 🙂

      • Photo: Louise Mc Grath

        Louise Mc Grath answered on 16 Nov 2016:

        Hey hey!

        Great question! It actually depends on how blind the person is and how long they have been blind!

        If someone has been totally blind since birth, they only have auditory dreams. So they just hear things instead of seeing them.

        If someone has had some measure of sight, then that person dreams with that measure of sight. What I mean by that is people and places you have seen can be seen in your dreams but you would not see new things in your dream.

        Louise =)
