• Question: have you ever made a discovery

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      Asked by Aoife to Aoife, Brian, Conor, Louise, Matthew on 14 Nov 2016.
      • Photo: Louise Mc Grath

        Louise Mc Grath answered on 14 Nov 2016:

        Hi Aoife!

        Actually yes I have! It isn’t going to change the world but it means that I have new and interesting questions to investigate and answer. I discovered that the liquid I am analysing can be used for gas sensing without the need of salt to be present in solution. This could lead to a cheaper way to sense gases like oxygen (O2), carbon dioxide (CO2) and many others!

        I don’t think anyone else has discovered this so I am keeping it all a secret until I do more tests (just to make sure that I can get the same results over and over again). Then I shall unveil my discovery in a scientific paper so that other people can use this discovery and do more work on it!

        Sharing is caring after all!

      • Photo: Matthew Kitching

        Matthew Kitching answered on 15 Nov 2016:

        Hi Aoife

        I have – only little ones but some of the things I’ve found out you can read about here:

        Ive worked on new ways to make drugs that treat cancer, I’ve discovered that some reactions don’t give the products that everyone thinks they should – and I’ve also found out you can make artificial machines that can mimic the ribosome (that one isn’t published yet)!

        The most important thing though – is that i didn’t do any of it on my own! science is always a team effort, with lots of talented people working together to find stuff out!

        So if you like working in a team, and discovering new things, maybe being a scientist could be the job for you!

        hope this answers your question! let me know if you want to know more 🙂
